jumpstart your lead gen machine!

Ready to Turn Your Social Media into an Organic Sales Machine?

Join Profitable Pipelines: The 4-step no-fluff process to profit with pipelines

Ready to Turn Your Social Media into a Client-Getting Machine?

Join 4 Months Of Profitable Pipelines: The 4-step no-fluff process to profit with pipelines

Get 4 Month GroupTrack CRM Premier Subscription for FREE When You Join!

Profitable Pipelines is a power-packed DWY program that will dramatically shortcut the path to starting (or reviving) your PERFECT Organic Sales Strategy AND GroupTrack CRM System!

Old Way of Getting Clients from Social Media 🚫

  • Posting and Getting Crickets: Endlessly posting content on social media without getting any meaningful engagement or responses from your audience. It feels like you're speaking to an empty room, and your efforts go unnoticed.
  • Cold DMing and Pitching: "Hey Girl": Sending unsolicited and impersonal direct messages to potential clients with generic pitches like "Hey girl, want to buy my product?" This outdated approach often leads to being ignored or even labeled as spam.
  • Emailing Offers with Low Open Rates and Conversion: Sending out email offers to your list, but only a small percentage actually open your emails, let alone take action. The low conversion rate leaves you feeling frustrated and wondering if email marketing is worth the effort.
  • Looking for Leads Everywhere: Scrambling to find leads on various platforms, without a clear strategy or understanding of who your ideal clients really are. This scattered approach wastes time and effort, yielding minimal results.
  • Getting Overwhelmed with All the Things: Feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the endless list of tasks involved in social media marketing. It seems like there's never enough time to keep up with the latest trends and strategies.
  • Feeling Like You Have to Do All the Things: Believing that you must be present on every social media platform, create multiple funnels, and have a fancy website to attract clients. This belief adds unnecessary pressure and expenses to your business.

Sound familiar? 
It's time to break free from the old way and embrace a new, strategic approach!

Say goodbye to the frustrations of the past and welcome a proven organic system that attracts, nurtures, and converts your ideal clients with ease. 
Let's transform your social media game and build a profitable business together! 🚀


  • Clear Offer Based on Pillars: Craft a crystal-clear and compelling offer based on your business's pillars. With Profitable Pipelines, you'll refine and articulate your offerings to showcase exactly what clients will gain by working with you. This clarity not only attracts your ideal clients but also boosts their confidence in your expertise.
  • Simple System for Managing, Tracking, and Converting Leads: Say goodbye to lost leads and missed opportunities. Our program provides you with a streamlined system to manage, track, and convert leads efficiently. With organized pipelines and automation tools from GroupTrack, you can nurture relationships effectively and focus on growing your business.
  • Repeatable Strategy for Predictable Conversations and Conversions: Gone are the days of uncertainty and inconsistency. Profitable Pipelines equips you with a repeatable strategy that yields predictable conversations and conversion opportunities. No more random or scattered approaches - just a clear path to attract, engage, and convert clients consistently.
  • Sales Skills to Navigate DMs, Sales Calls, Masterclasses, and Overcoming Objections: Confidently navigate all aspects of the sales process with our expertly crafted sales skills training. From engaging DM conversations to hosting impactful masterclasses, you'll master the art of building relationships and converting leads without feeling spammy or pushy. Overcome objections with ease and close more deals with finesse.

Ready to Turn Your Social Media into a Client-Getting Machine?

Join 4 Months Of Profitable Pipelines: The 4-step no-fluff process to profit with pipelines

Get 4 Month GroupTrack CRM Premier Subscription for FREE When You Join!

Profitable Pipelines Students Have a Strategic Approach that Aligns with Your Business Goals and 
Leads to Consistent Growth.

How we do it:

At Profitable Pipelines, we believe that true success comes from a holistic approach.
That's why our program is built on three core components:
Content, Coaching, and Community.
Each element is carefully designed to empower you with
the knowledge, support, and skills needed to transform your
business and achieve sustainable growth.


Profitable Pipelines Membership


Your Roadmap to Success

In the online learning portal, we provide you with a comprehensive roadmap to success via our content lessons. 
Dive into our online learning platform and gain access to exclusive playbooks that cover every crucial aspect getting clients online using our tool and tactics.. 

From refining your offers and communicating them effectively to mastering sales conversations and overcoming objections, our content equips you with the tools to attract and convert your ideal clients.


Your Path to Implementation

Beyond the content, our coaching component takes your journey to new heights. 
We understand that personalized guidance is crucial for success, which is why we offer expert coaching sessions with Jenna Larson (CEO and Co-Founder of GroupTrack CRM).

During these live sessions, we coach on specific strategies and then “Lovingly Force” you to implement so you can ask questions in real time, as they pop up. 


Your Supportive Network

As part of our program, you become a valued member of our supportive community.
Join a network of like-minded entrepreneurs who share the same aspirations and goals as you. In this thriving community, you'll find encouragement, share insights, and receive valuable feedback.

Together, we cultivate an environment that fosters growth and collaboration.

Don't Take Our Word For It...

See Comments From Current & Prior Pipeline Customers...

I just want to thank you for watching my lives each week!

... busy having a 20k month!

Meet the Founder and Coach

Hi I'm Jenna DuBois Larson! 

Co-Founder and CEO of GroupTrack CRM.

Welcome to the transformative world of Profitable Pipelines, where you'll be guided by the ingenious mind of Jenna Larson.

She is the architect of the best organic client acquisition strategies and the co-creator of the revolutionary tool - GroupTrack.

Jenna's expertise in mastering the art of attracting, nurturing, and converting clients on social media has empowered countless entrepreneurs to achieve remarkable success.

Now, with GroupTrack, you'll experience a seamless lead management and conversion process, effortlessly navigating the complexities of social media marketing.

Join Profitable Pipelines today and unlock access to Jenna Larson herself. 

Through live coaching sessions, she'll personally guide you to elevate your business, sharing invaluable insights for lasting growth. Embrace this fusion of knowledge and innovation, and embrace your journey to new heights of success.

Imagine Yourself Like This Next Year:

☑️ Organized 
Picture yourself in the near future, where organization is your superpower. Every aspect of your business is structured and well-managed, from your pipelines to your client interactions. No more chaos or scattered efforts - just a smoothly running operation.

☑️ Systematic
See yourself embracing a systematic approach that streamlines your workflow and maximizes efficiency. With well-defined processes in place, you can confidently tackle any challenge that comes your way, knowing you have a clear path to success.

☑️ Strategic
Visualize yourself as a strategic mastermind, always one step ahead of the game. You have a well-thought-out plan in place, guiding your actions and ensuring every move contributes to your business growth.

☑️ Executing a Dialed-In Strategy
Envision yourself flawlessly executing a dialed-in strategy that consistently attracts and converts your ideal clients. Your strategic approach sets you apart, and your efforts yield predictable and impressive results.

☑️ Using a Perfected System
See yourself harnessing the power of a perfected system that simplifies lead management, tracking, and conversion. With this system in place, you have a clear view of your pipeline's performance, enabling you to make informed decisions with confidence.

☑️ Using Dynamic Skills to Get Clients
Picture yourself using dynamic skills to connect with your ideal clients effortlessly. Your communication skills, sales acumen, and ability to navigate the DMs are finely honed, making client acquisition a seamless and enjoyable process.

Get a Sneak Peek into the Lessons in Store for You!

Pipeline Focus 1:


The Catch ALL Pipeline is all about organizing new leads and enticing them to take action. We'll guide you through the process of setting up your Catch ALL Pipeline, where you can attract potential clients from various sources.

Learn how to invite them to sales events or your Facebook group, laying the foundation for meaningful connections and future conversions.

Pipeline Focus 2:


The Prospecting Group Pipeline is designed to track, organize, and convert group members using the powerful GroupTrack automations and service strategies. 

Learn how to nurture relationships within your group effectively. With our expert guidance, you'll convert engaged group members into paying clients, leading to sustained growth for your business.

Pipeline Focus 3:


The Client Retention Pipeline focuses on keeping your existing clients engaged and coming back for more. 

Learn strategies to move your clients through your program, ensuring they receive continuous value and support. Happy clients are more likely to become repeat customers, driving long-term success for your business.

Pipeline Focus 1:

Catch ALL Pipeline

The Catch ALL Pipeline is all about organizing new leads and enticing them to take action. We'll guide you through the process of setting up your Catch ALL Pipeline, where you can attract potential clients from various sources.

Learn how to invite them to sales events or your Facebook group, laying the foundation for meaningful connections and future conversions.

Pipeline Focus 2:

Prospecting Group Pipeline

The Prospecting Group Pipeline is designed to track, organize, and convert group members using the powerful GroupTrack automations and service strategies. 

Learn how to nurture relationships within your group effectively. With our expert guidance, you'll convert engaged group members into paying clients, leading to sustained growth for your business.

Pipeline Focus 3:

Client Retention Pipeline

The Client Retention Pipeline focuses on keeping your existing clients engaged and coming back for more. 

Learn strategies to move your clients through your program, ensuring they receive continuous value and support. Happy clients are more likely to become repeat customers, driving long-term success for your business.

The Pipeline-Focused Approach:

Pipelines calculator

Know exactly how many leads you need to add to each pipeline, based on your conversion numbers so you can work proactively to fill it. 

Offer Roadmap

Develop a comprehensive offer roadmap aligned with your pillars.
Refining your offers by tweaking your pillars: We'll dive deeper into understanding your target audience and refining your offers by adjusting the pillars of your business. This will enable you to create compelling value propositions that resonate with your ideal clients.

Positioning Posts

You'll learn proven techniques to effectively communicate your offer through social media posts that grab the attention of your target audience. This skill is vital for generating interest and encouraging potential clients to take action.

Navigating conversations in the DMs

We'll provide you with practical guidance on how to navigate conversations in direct messages to increase booked calls and sales. You'll gain the skills to build rapport, address objections, and guide the conversation towards a sales opportunity.

Weekly Content Strategy

Gain access to our expertly crafted content strategy that tells you exactly what to post Monday through Friday to attract your ideal clients, affectionately known as "yellow cars." We provide you with the roadmap to consistently engage and resonate with your audience.

Email Templates

Say goodbye to the time-consuming task of rewriting your email welcome sequences. In Profitable Pipelines, we provide you with proven email templates that you can customize and utilize in your communication with subscribers. Streamline your email marketing efforts and save valuable time.

Complimentary Coaching /Sales Call Format

Regardless of your price point, we'll equip you with the techniques to confidently host converting sales calls. You'll learn how to present your offer with impact, handle objections with ease, and close sales effectively.

Overcoming sales objections

Using our simple formula, we understand that objections can be stumbling blocks in the sales process. That's why we'll share a simple yet powerful formula to help you overcome sales objections and address your prospects' concerns, ultimately boosting your conversion rates.

Strategic Alliances

We'll help you with our secret weapon of getting in front of other people's audiences. You'll reach out to people and see if you can do a joint training, interview, etc so you can get in front of other peoples yellow car parking lots!

Live Training Formula

To take this to the next level, we'll provide you with and role play implementing our live training formula so you can get those yellow cars honking during your training. That way you can add them to your pipeline and follow up with your new, GOOD leads! 

Group Strategy

We understand that a successful Facebook group requires a strategic approach. Our program will guide you through the process of mapping out your group's stages, tags, and message templates. With our expert assistance, you'll create a clear roadmap that aligns with your business goals and ensures a seamless user experience for your members.

Masterclass On Rinse & Repeat

Host masterclasses and sales events that attract leads and drive conversions, boosting your business's growth.

But That's Not All!!

We Know Crazy Good Content Alone is 
Not Enough!


Live Weekly Coaching

Interact with our expert coaches and instructors during live weekly coaching sessions. This interactive environment allows you to ask questions, gain real-time support, and address any challenges or roadblocks you may encounter. 

Our coaches (Jenna and Lindsay) are dedicated to your success and are there to provide you with the guidance you need.


Feedback and Audits

Receive feedback and support from our team. We review your posts, assess your content, and provide constructive suggestions on our group calls to optimize your messaging and engagement. 

Additionally, we go the extra mile by diving into direct messages (DMs) with you to fine-tune your verbiage and ensure your communication is compelling. 

*This is done in our weekly Monday Post Thread and Weekly Question Thread Only.


Exclusive Facebook Group

Get access to an exclusive Facebook Group full high-performing Coaches, Founders and Team members who support, collaborate, and level each other up! 


Live Weekly Coaching

Interact with our expert coaches and instructors during live weekly coaching sessions. This interactive environment allows you to ask questions, gain real-time support, and address any challenges or roadblocks you may encounter. 

Our coaches (Jenna and Lindsay) are dedicated to your success and are there to provide you with the guidance you need.


Feedback and Audits

Receive personalized feedback and support from our team. We review your posts, assess your content, and provide constructive suggestions to optimize your messaging and engagement. 

Additionally, we go the extra mile by diving into direct messages (DMs) with you to fine-tune your verbiage and ensure your communication is compelling. 

*This is done in our weekly Monday Post Thread and Weekly Question Thread Only.


exclusive Facebook Group

Get access to an exclusive Facebook Group full high-performing Coaches, Founders and Team members who support, collaborate, and level each other up! 


Are you ready to transform your online conversion event into a powerful client-acquisition engine?

Your Complete Setup, System, and Strategic Blueprint for Harnessing the Potential of Live Masterclasses and Training Sessions to Attract Valuable Clients from social media. 



Ready to Turn Your Social Media into a Client-Getting Machine?

Join 4 Months Of Profitable Pipelines: The 4-step no-fluff process to profit with pipelines

Get 4 Month GroupTrack CRM Premier Subscription for FREE When You Join!


Your Roadmap to Success

In the online learning portal, we provide you with a comprehensive roadmap to success via our content lessons. 

Dive into our online learning platform and gain access to exclusive playbooks that cover every crucial aspect getting clients online using our tool and tactics.. .
  • Prep & Perfect Execution: Master the art of preparation to ensure your live events are flawlessly executed from start to finish. Say goodbye to last-minute scrambling and hello to organized, stress-free hosting.
  • Captivating Content Creation: Discover how to create your live masterclass, webinar and/or live training content that captivates your audience, sparking engagement and meaningful interactions. No more feeling lost when it comes to crafting compelling material.
  • Marketing Asset Mastery: Unlock the secrets of creating powerful marketing assets that drive registrations and attendance. No more guessing games; you'll have the tools to promote effectively.
  • GroupTrack Setup Simplified: Effortlessly customize the DONE FOR YOU set up and prepare your GroupTrack CRM system for success. No more struggling with complex configurations or feeling lost in the technical details.
  • Promotion & Invitation Excellence: Learn the art of promotion and invitation, ensuring your target audience eagerly registers for your live events. No more shouting into the void; you'll attract the right participants.
  • ​Registration Confirmation & Reminder Mastery: Master the art of confirmation and reminders, ensuring a high turnout for your live events. No more empty virtual rooms; your attendees will be eagerly waiting.
  • ​Dynamic Masterclass Hosting: Become a confident and engaging host, creating a dynamic and interactive live event. No more feeling lost in front of your audience; you'll captivate and educate effortlessly.
  • Replay Reach & Impact: Extend the reach and impact of your live events with effective replay strategies. No more missed opportunities; your content will continue to deliver value.
  • Follow Up Formula: Master the art of follow-up to nurture leads and convert prospects into clients. No more uncertainty; you'll have a clear path to ongoing engagement and sales.
  • Offer Optimization: Articulate your offers in a way that compels your ideal clients to take action. No more hesitation; your value proposition will resonate strongly.



Your Path to Implementation

Beyond the content, our coaching component takes your journey to new heights. 
We understand that personalized guidance is crucial for success, which is why we offer expert coaching sessions with Jenna Larson (CEO and Co-Founder of GroupTrack CRM).

During these live sessions, we coach on specific strategies and then “Lovingly Force” you to implement so you can ask questions in real time, as they pop up. 


Your Supportive Network

As part of our program, you become a valued member of our supportive community.
Join a network of like-minded entrepreneurs who share the same aspirations and goals as you. In this thriving community, you'll find encouragement, share insights, and receive valuable feedback.

Together, we cultivate an environment that fosters growth and collaboration.

Jumpstart your GroupTrack CRM

Join the Profitable Pipelines Program

The jump-starter DWY program

Dramatically shortcut the path to starting (or reviving) your PERFECT GroupTrack CRM strategy AND system!

Profitable Pipelines Group Coaching

Profitable Pipelines Course

Direct Access & Time Specific Answers

Accountability and Action Working Sessions

Private Facebook Group


Social Go Viral Posting Guide

Engagement Boost 6-Email Sequence

FB Engagement Boost 6-Email Sequence

Plug-n-Play ActiveCampaign Automation

Plug-n-Play ActiveCampaign

Plug-n-Play Go High Level GT Snapshot

Valued at $5,000

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Valued at $1,997

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Valued at $1,997

Valued at

Valued at $1,997

Valued at

Valued at $1,997

Valued at

Valued at $997

Valued at

Valued at

Valued at $397

Valued at

Valued at $697

Valued at

Valued at $497

Valued at

Valued at $497

Valued at

Valued at

Profitable Pipelines Group Coaching

Profitable Pipelines Course

Direct Access & Time Specific Answers

Accountability and Action Working Sessions

 Private Facebook Group


 Selling on Social Mini Course

 Social Go Viral Posting Guide

 Engagement Boost 6-Email Sequence

FB Engagement Boost 6-Email Sequence

Plug-n-Play ActiveCampaign Automation

 Plug-n-Play ActiveCampaign

  Plug-n-Play Go High Level GT Snapshot

Valued at $5,000

Valued at $1,997

Valued at $1,997

Valued at $1,997

Valued at $1,997

Valued at $997

Valued at $997

Valued at $397

Valued at $697

Valued at $497

Valued at $497

Total Value $16,073


Profitable Pipelines is a $497/month ongoing coaching program with a four-month minimum commitment. When your four months are up, you can keep paying to stay in the program until you cancel! 

Ready to Turn Your Social Media into a Client-Getting Machine?

Join 4 Months Of Profitable Pipelines: The 4-step no-fluff process to profit with pipelines

Get 4 Month GroupTrack CRM Premier Subscription for FREE When You Join!

The Profitable Pipelines Program


Step 1: Enter Your Information

Your Name

Your Email

Social Handles (optional)

Step 2: Choose Your Plan

**Special Offer**
Pay for 6 months of Profitable Pipelines upfront and get your GroupTrack CRM Pro subscription included! That's right no GroupTrack CRM Pro payments for 6 months when you pay for 6 months of Profitable Pipelines today!

Item Price
$1997 Today for 6 months (then $400/mo)
$2485 Today

Step 3: Payment Details

ONE TIME OFFER $250: Get a 1 on 1 private session with Jenna today only $250!

Enter Promo Code (if you have one)

Item amount
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
Refund Policy: You may cancel any paid services at any time, you, however, won't be issued a refund except in our sole discretion, or if legally required.

One Time Offer (Only $250 Today)

Get 1 Private Session With Jenna

Normally a 1 hour session with Jenna would be $750 but today with your purchase of Profitable Pipelines you can get a 1 hour session with Jenna for only $250!

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